So.....this is always an annoying topic for me!
Ladies, Before I go on one thing....You will NOT look like a body builder if you li
ft heavy!!! So get off the damn treadmill, elliptical, and cardio classes get your food right and use some free weights! Now don't get it twisted, I do NOT disagree with those means of exercise, however having that be all you do and expect results without some heavy lifting is not a healthy attitude. Cardio has a time and place but not every workout. I get it, some of you don't know what to do or your scared, well ASK someone what to do and once you do it the proper way once or twice no need to be scared anymore! Yes I know there are men in there and that can be intimidating....a little secret, half of them have no clue what they are doing anyways and the ones that do don't care about what your doing because there in there to work. He is what you do to avoid attention, DONT go in there all dolled up (your in there to work too), wear headphones (you mean business), wear clothes conducive to your workout ( wearing booty shorts and jumping all over might not be smart), put on a hat ( leave me alone) and don't be cutsie. If your going in there for attention you are not yet ready to commit to a serious workout! Now here are a few exercises I LOVE to do and the weights i do along with them.
Dead Lifts- warm up w/135# do a few sets end with 175#
Sumo Squats- warm up 135# end with 155#
Weighted Walking Lunges- 70# barbell 4X's 1 min work 20 sec rest
DB Military press- 25# each set
Front and Lateral Raise- 10-15# each set
Close, Wide Lat pull downs- 70# warm up and make my way up to 85#
Bent over BB Row- 60# warm up and make my way up to 100#
Biceps Curls W/20 and 25#
So you see, I'm no olympic lifter by any means but I do not lift like a "girl" either. So many of you comment on how u like the way I look or want to look like that. I can tell you....i do maybe an hr of cardio a week....AN HR! Lifting and food are my friends. Remember I have been doing this for a while now so I did NOT start off lifting like this. It has progressed over the yrs and the last few months of training. I know not all of you want to train like your going into a competition, but this still applies to everyday lifting and fitness. If you want to grow your muscles and burn fat you have to challenge your body to do so!
Now like I said earlier, if you like the cardio classes or rumba or find those things empowering, please by all means go for fun and to enjoy and to move because any movement is better then no movement.
Just remember the more muscle you have the more fat you burn and the more "tone" you get. So a little recap. Eat to fuel your body, train for the body you want and do the "extras" for fun!
Always go into the gym and the gym is anywhere you make it, go with a plan so you know exactly everything u will do and make it happen!!!!
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