Why I lift!!! |
Lunges - Legs- Video how to.
Squats - Legs- Video how to.
Stiff Legged Dead Lifts - Legs- Video how to. I go all the way to the floor.
Dead Lifts - Back- Video how to.
The Seated Row - Back- Video how to.
Lat Pull Downs or Pull Ups - Back- Video how to. You can also do close grip as well.
DB Curl - Biceps- Video how to. You can also do them in unison.
DB Hammer Curl - Biceps- Video how to. You can also do alternating.
Bench Press - Chest- Video how to…(with a bit of humor)
Pec Deck - Chest- Video how to.
Incline Press - Chest- Video how to.
V-Bar Press Down - Triceps- Video how to.
Rope Press Down - Triceps- Video how to.
Military Press - Shoulders- Video how to.
Front Raise - Shoulders- Video how to. You can do it single armed, arms together or Hammer style as well
Rear Delts - Shoulders- Video how to. You can also do it with DB's as well