Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Basic Lifts That Everyone Should Do!

Why I lift!!!
      Lifting is something I LOVE to do and talk about and technique is key! Proper form is so important to your lifts, if you are preforming them wrong… well you may as well not do them! Here is a small list of some of IMO the most important lifts that can be preformed per body part and how to preform them properly! Many of these I do every week…Shoulders are my favorite thing to work and I got some pretty good ones! HAHAHA! Now none of you have an excuse of "I don't know how to, because I took the TIME to look them up for you. Do yourself a favor and watch if your unsure how to preform a lift!

Lunges - Legs-  Video how to.
Squats - Legs-  Video how to.
Stiff Legged Dead Lifts - Legs- Video how to. I go all the way to the floor.

Dead Lifts - Back- Video how to.
The Seated Row -  Back- Video how to.
Lat Pull Downs or Pull Ups - Back- Video how to. You can also do close grip as well.
DB Curl - Biceps- Video how to. You can also do them in unison.
DB Hammer Curl - Biceps- Video how to. You can also do alternating.

Bench Press - Chest-  Video how to…(with a bit of humor)
Pec Deck - Chest- Video how to.
Incline Press - Chest- Video how to.
V-Bar Press Down - Triceps- Video how to.
Rope Press Down - Triceps- Video how to.

Military Press - Shoulders- Video how to.
Front Raise - Shoulders- Video how to. You can do it single armed, arms together or Hammer style as well
Rear Delts - Shoulders- Video how to. You can also do it with DB's as well